There are friends….Then there is family.

“When everything goes to hell, the people who stand by you without flinching – they are your family” – Jim Butcher Unless you really have a dysfunctional family, I think you did good opening up this post. 2013 is less than 24 hours to closing its books and there are thousands of end-of-year posts makingContinue reading “There are friends….Then there is family.”

Finding Baida….the sequel is out! Get a Free Copy

MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! It feels like yesterday…..okay, it doesn’t really feel like yesterday….365/4 days and counting…glad we all still pushing on. Pretty much happy right now and probably might not make “hallmark” speech………yup! overfed and stretched out….so emm, I go just yarn randomly…. It has really been a great year…starting out with gun blazing more businessContinue reading “Finding Baida….the sequel is out! Get a Free Copy”

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SEASON’S GREETINGS FROM AFRICANLOVESTORIES.COM ADVERTISE IN NEW BOOK FROM UNEÑ AMEJI FINDING BAIDA HITTING DEVICES 25TH DECEMBER, 2013 SNEAK PEAK PROLOGUE It was the perfect day for a wedding. The clear blue skies reflected the cool blue swimming pool and the cold morning air ran deep into the nose as Kamal Baga buttoned his brilliantContinue reading “Advertise on”

My Experience With Weed by Mr Man

If you are like me, then you probably have not read this hilarious piece I am about to share….and yes, I know it is not Humor Wednesdays but all the same, a good laugh does not know what day of the week it is. Enjoy. I had just moved out of my parents house andContinue reading “My Experience With Weed by Mr Man”

Crush or Love? Episode XII

Today is the last of the episodes of Crush or Love? on AfricanLoveStories.Com. It was great fun to write and was even more ‘cool’ to have you read it. Your comments kept me going and I hope you enjoy the end as you did the beginning. While I’m tempted to announce another online series IContinue reading “Crush or Love? Episode XII”